"Focusing your time helps you get more accomplished in less time, rather than competing with your energy levels, cooperate with them. When you leverage your energy, you'll realize you're capable of producing not just more work, but much better work". ~Carey Nieuwhof
Welcome to the Keto Mom page, my name is Stephanie. And I want to encourage you and give you a couple of little tips from the book, "At Your Best" by Carey Nieuwhof.
I've talked with a lot of people about fat loss. A lot of people want fat loss because they don't like how they look or feel. And I totally understand that, but most of them want to get the results fast.
I know that you're excited about fat loss, but you have to set realistic expectations. You have to understand that you didn't get here overnight, it's not going to be easy, but you can totally do it.
The aspect of expectations, discipline, and understanding why you want to feel better. So that when you have one of those not-so-good days, you won't have to fall back on your emotions and start eating out of your emotions.
What is your Why?
I'm fed up.
I've had enough.
I want to feel better.
I want to do it for myself.
I want to inspire others.
I want to do it for my kids
I often just have to remind people that it's a process and a journey. You didn't get here overnight, so you're not going to get there overnight. Let's do it together, there might be hard days and challenges, and you might even want to eat the cake. But I want you to remember why you're doing it. Put it on post-it notes as a reminder. Write your goals and post them in your home, on your fridge, on your mirror, and in your car.
What are your goals?
Why do you want it?
What's going to keep you going?
You need visual reminders! So that if you go open the refrigerator out of habit or boredom, you'll see the little post-it note that says...
"You packed your lunch!"
"Don't go through the drive-thru!"
"Hey, choose wisely!"
Write little things that trigger and remind you about your goals. So that you can create healthy habits that will help you long term. It's not just the short dieting, but let's actually get to the root cause of the issue and fix it.
So if you are challenged or struggling in the area of how to manage your energy, your time, and how to make sure you've got the right priorities, then this book is for you. I'm not going to go through all of it. The author will teach you how to leverage your best time and energy throughout your day.
Most times, people say they don't have time for what they want to do for their health. Things like going to the gym or prepping their food...
I don't have time to prep my meals.
I don't have time to go to the gym.
I don't have time.
And so what the author wants to say is that there are certain times of the day that you are most optimal. He placed time, your day, and your priorities in a color wheel.
There are times in your day when you feel motivated and inspired to do things at this time. This book will help you understand the power of your actual time, and energy and when is your most armed, the optimal time to do the things that you actually want to do.
"Most people waste all of their energy throughout their day on things that they don't actually want to do. We need to prioritize and figure out what you want to get done. You do that in the green zone".
He talked about green zones of the most optimal timeframes. There are also yellow and red zones. If that is something that you want to work on and you need help with your timeframes, and your energy levels, and not just with ketones. There are times in your day when you're on and focused on your priorities.
"Focusing your time helps you get more accomplished in less time, rather than competing with your energy levels, cooperate with them. When you leverage your energy, you'll realize you're capable of producing not just more work, but much better work".
"Winning at work while losing at home is not winning. You're kindest when you have the most margin in your life".
I wish I could read all the stories to you. The book has graphs about the understanding of what it looks like to work in your green zone, red zone, and yellow zone.
I would encourage you to grab the book if this is something that you genuinely need some help with.
I don't plan my meals.
I don't prep my meals.
I often use the excuse.
I don't go to the gym.
I put my kids and everybody else first.
Which is fine, but remember that you can't take care of other people if you're not taking care of yourself.
Alright! I'm also just here to help, so if you're looking for recipes please visit our blog ketomomsecrets.com. If you have questions about how to get started, or if you need guidance. Just send me a message and I would love to help.
I'm not a doctor, but I did interview a doctor last night. Her name is Dr. Andy, and she's incredible. She speaks for women and she's very passionate about women in hormones. She talked about keto, and how ketones work. It was an incredible interview.
That's it! So continue to tune into the page. I hope you guys have an incredible day, and we'll talk to you very soon. I appreciate you all, bye-bye!
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