How it started
Stephanie Mielke
Stephanie has have always been into health and fitness. Part of that commitment was avoiding fat and eating lots of protein. But early in 2015, her husband Steve woke up one morning to find he'd gained so much weight he couldn’t get his pants on.
“ They got stuck,” he recalls. He looked over at Stephanie and said, 'did you shrink my pants?' She said 'Are you kidding me?' That was a turning point for her husband. "I had no energy for my kids, and my family was living paycheck to paycheck. When those pants didn’t fit me, I thought, I don’t care what is happening around me. I’m going to try a ketogenic diet," he says.

Energy and focus
It’s a focus and commitment. That was before Prüvit, which offers Pure Therapeutic Ketones in and easy to use drink mix. But he did it for six months. "He was feeling better." Stephanie says. "He had great energy and focus. But personally, I thought it was crazy for eating all the fat he was eating." She wasn’t about to give up her pasta garlic bread and assumed their four daughters but the same way. But one night, Steve was sitting down to his plate of fish with butter and vegetables while Stephanie was serving lasagna. Their daughters all found their way to Steve dinner plate. That’s when she realize she needed to get on board.
Not long after that, they learned about Prüvit and it’s Ketone supplement, KETO OS. "I thought, oh my goodness, if this really exist, this is going to help thousands of people," Steve says. "I had been checking every ounce of food that went to me and checking my blood twice a day. There could be a product that you can drink and have the same benefits.
Changes lives
Before enrolling as Prüvit Promoters, they went to the company‘s first event to learn more. "We left that meeting with 100% believe that we had a product that was going to change peoples lives, and partnered with a man who had a vision that was going to change the world," Steve says. Since then, they’ve been to every event and on every call, and they’re working as a team for the first time in their married life. Not only has Prüvit changed their lives, now they have been given a platform that they use daily to positively affect the lives of so many others for the better. "We get to live and give like we've never been able to, and we’re loving it!" Stephanie says.
- By Wendy Rudman