Keto Mom here!
We are going to talk about giving praise and not worrying. Because anytime you're worrying, frustrated, or you're anxious, it causes you to ultimately say things or do things, that doesn't add any value in your life. That's why it's so important to understand the power of what you put into your mind. The things that you're speaking, the things you're listening to, the people that you're around. We want to have positive ones, so that ultimately, you can have control over your life
Points to Ponder:
01:27 Recap on all the books for the Summer
01:36 Perspective and Mindset
02:09 Giving Praise and Not Worrying
02:56 Neuroplasticity
03:24 New Neural Pathways
04:53 Eat out of Emotion
05:07 Learn how to Respond versus React
05:43 Your Strongest Thought
06:01 The God Box
07:55 Mindset is Important
Full Episode Transcript
Good morning! Welcome to the Keto Mom page, we are diving into Chapter eleven, "Perspective of Praise". We're diving into "Winning the War in your Mind" by Craig Groeschel, and we are almost done. We've got a couple chapters left, and then we are going to recap everything that we've done since May. If you weren't here in May, if you didn't read some of those books, I'm going to talk to you about the books that we've read and how to implement the very simple strategies and different action steps into your life. We're going into a new season, Summer's almost done, school's around the corner. Some of your kids have already started school, ours don't start till September.

But we're going into a new season, and I feel like when you do that, you got to armor up. So we're going to recap all the books that we have done over the Summer, and then dive into the dream board vision board book in September. So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from? I'd love to know if you're reading, if you're following along, what do you think of the book?
I'll give you a basic understanding of this chapter, we've got one more chapter tomorrow, and then we're done. There might be a conclusion. So on Monday, we're going to start recapping everything that we've learned from the "Miracle Morning", "Atomic Habits"...
Really basic concepts of Perspective and Mindset to help you understand, "I should put habits into place so that my actions change", or "I don't rise to the level of my goals, I fall to the level of my systems"... What are systems?
We're going to talk about the "Miracle Morning", and owning your morning, owning your day.... So going back, Chapter eleven in "Winning the War in your Mind", basically talks about giving praise and not worrying. Because anytime you're worrying, frustrated, or you're anxious, it causes you to ultimately say things or do things, that doesn't add any value in your life. To worry about things that may never come to pass. So it talks a lot about worrying and what to do with that. It also talks a lot about praying.
And so halfway through the chapter, he says "Years ago, neurologists believed that the brain didn't change after adolescence. We know today that that's not true, our brains are constantly evolving. Neurologists call this process Neuroplasticity. It's the idea that we can re-sculpt our brain just as we can sculpt our muscles with some strategic time. Like when you spend time at the gym, your brain is rewiring itself all the time. By creating those new neural pathways"... We talked about that, when you do things over and over again, you create a neural pathway. You just automatically do things, even if it's not a positive action step. You just do things because you've done them for so long...

"Each time you think a thought, it's easier to think that thought again, and again. That's good news, if you're thinking good things. But if you're not, then it's going to create a bad neural pathway"...
That's why it's so important to understand the power of what you put into your mind. The things that you're speaking, the things you're listening to, the people that you're around, and all of those thoughts and the things that you put in, create neural pathways. We want to have positive ones, so that ultimately, you can have control. A lot of you might be going "I I just don't get it"... Well, let me ask you, when you get up and your day or your morning doesn't go how you want it to go? Or let's say a kid is screaming, and you're trying to get out the door. Do you feel like when you're anxious or when you're frustrated, or your morning doesn't go the way you wanted it to... Do you think you're going to choose better options for food?

Probably not, because you're just going to grab what's in front of you. You're going to eat out of emotion, or out of frustration. It's so important to be able to help control your mindset, have action steps and things to put into place so that you don't have to worry and not be afraid.
We want to learn how to respond versus react, we want to learn how to control our emotions so that you can ultimately control our mindset. Create neural pathways, create better habits and systems so that you can take control of everything in your life. What I mean is, you can control the food that you eat, you can control your actions, and the words that come out of your mouth. I hope that makes sense... The book is great, and I can't read all the stories.
This chapter was actually really long. He says "Your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thought. Worrying and toxic thinking will change your brain and move your life in a direction you don't want to go". So he shares a ton of stories, and what's really cool at the end, is he always gives you an action step. And this action step or this thought, is called the God box. So get your little box, put it on your counter, he says it's called the God box. And every time you're worried or afraid, you're anxious, you're frustrated, or whatever that is... You write it down, and put it in the box.
And then you have to go "Nope, I'm not going to worry about it. I'm going to keep going on with my day, it's going to be an amazing day, I'm going to control my thoughts. I'm going to praise, I'm going to do all these different things, and I'm going to create a different neural pathway"...

He says if you decide later that day, or that week that you want to worry about it again. Then you go take that little thing out of the box and say "Sorry God, I don't trust You with this. I'm going to go deal with it myself"...
So I don't know about you, but I think that's a great little box to make for your kids, for yourself and for your family. It just gave me a new perspective. How often do we worry about things over and over again. And half the time 80% of things you worry about never come to pass. Isn't that crazy? I don't remember where I read this statistic, but I have read it somewhere. Alright, so I would encourage you to continue, if you've not gotten the book, grab the book or the audible and listen to it. It's incredible. We've got one more chapter which I am going to cover tomorrow, and then we're going dive into all of the books and making sure we understand the action steps of all of them that we've done over the last couple months. If you were not here to read with us, it's okay. I'm just going to give you a basic understanding of how to own your morning, how to help own your emotions, and how to control or help control your mindset. So that you can have some ownership in your health, because your mindset is important. I truly believe that. So with that, I'm always here to help. I hope you have an incredible morning and incredible day. Reach out with any questions that you have. I will talk to you very soon.
I'm always here to help you and have an incredible day. Bye, everybody.
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