Keto Mom here!
When we first started the diet, or I say lifestyle, we took it one day at a time one meal at a time. During the weekdays, I stuck to very simple meals. We ate probably the same five meals every day because I was stressed out about how to eat and what to eat. So the tip is to keep it simple during the week, and then try something new on the weekends.
Points to Ponder:
01:15 Promo on Mom Fuel: 31% Off
02:05 Favorite Flavors: Blueberry Acai, and Berry Blue
02:09 Ketones
02:47 Benefits of Ketones
04:19 One Meal At A Time
04:25 Simple Meal Ideas
04:52 No Bread, Pasta, and Potatoes
05:06 Basic Meals on Weekdays
06:35 Who loves Costco?
07:28 Do The Best That You Can
08:10 Stick To The Same Basic Meals
08:51 Do Some Research
09:18 A New Pesto Recipe Coming
09:44 The Tip is to Flip
11:00 Book Club: "Chasing Daylight" by Erwin McManus
11:54 Keep it Simple During The Week, Try Something New On The Weekends
Full Episode Transcript
Hey everybody! Welcome to the Keto mom page. My name is Stephanie, and we are going to do a one o'clock tasting and a Keto tip. So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from? And I have not done a live video in almost a week because we were traveling and we were in the mountains, it did not have great reception. So, it's good to be back! We had a great trip. We have friends in Oklahoma, we went to Oklahoma, and Texas for some business meetings. It was great, but it's always good to be home... So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from? I'm going to give you just an idea of how we started our journey, "Weekdays versus Weekends", and just kind of different meal ideas. I'm actually going to head to Costco today.

So continue to watch all day long, check out the stories and I'm going to show you some of my favorite Costco finds... I'm going to shake up my Mom Fuel, which I do every afternoon. If you're watching this live video, it's Saturday. But if you're on the other side of the world, it's probably almost Sunday.
I'm excited to share with you that there is a fun promo on my Mom Fuel. It's 31% off for today, tomorrow, and at the end of the month. What does that mean? You can get my Mom Fuel at a crazy ridiculous price. You can go to, and check it out.
Otherwise, just post promo below and I'd love to know what your goals are. I will share with you why I drink ketones, I will share with you all of the different things. So I've got two of my most favorite flavors here. If you were to check it out, or if you've tried the trial pack, if you've got a five day or a 10 day in the mail, or you've won some of my mom fuel, whatever the case may be. If you want to get a crazy deal, today would be the day, just post promo in the comments.
These are my two favorite flavors, "Blueberry Acai, and Berry Blue"... I say that about all of them, I've been drinking Ketones for six years, and it's as easy as throwing it in some water. It's a tool, not a magic pill. So when you drink it, it puts your body in ketosis in under an hour. Your body can make ketones, or you can also drink them. You do not have to be doing a strict keto diet, most people are low carb, lazy keto, or dirty keto, just not really strict keto. When you drink this product, it gives your body ketones, so it's an energy source... I joke and say I haven't taken a nap in years, and I used to be mom, queen of naps...
But this gives you energy, it's brain fuel. It helps you with your focus, appetite, craving control, and fat loss. It's incredible! It's as easy as putting a packet in some water, shaking it up, and drinking it. I love it, it's a tool.

Okay! So if you want to know about the promo today to save 31%, post promo in the comments. I'll ask you what your goals are, share with you the promo, and talk to you about trial packs. If you have not decided, you can grab a trial pack to see what you think. Either way, post promo in the comments and I'll chat with you...
So how are you doing? I see you hopping on. Some of you have to tell me where you're tuning in from. When we traveled to Texas just last week, it was beautiful. But on our way to Oklahoma, we must have brought the Minnesota weather because it was raining, and crazy windy the entire time we were there, but it was fine. We had some incredible company with our friends that we've known for fifteen years, which we're blessed with. And then when I got back to Minnesota, the sun was shining and it's beautiful. It is a beautiful fall day! I would expect that we will have some snow sometime next month... Alright! Here's what I want to talk to you about for your Keto tip.
When we first started the diet, or I say lifestyle, we took it one day at a time one meal at a time.
During the weekdays, I stuck to very simple meals like bacon and eggs for breakfast or intermittent fasting for lunch. We had either leftover from the night before, which we'll talk about in a second. Lunch was either a lettuce wrap, leftovers, or just some meat and cheese, or some veggies, a dip, and maybe a salad. And then for dinner, we made a protein, a veggie and a salad. I just cut out the bread pasta and potatoes. We ate probably the same five meals every day. Whether we were grilling meat, I brown some hamburger, or we made tacos. We made the basic five meals during the week because I was stressed out about how to eat and what to eat. Like the almond flour, and all of the crazy sugar replacements, like that, overwhelmed me. So during the weekday, I kept it very simple... Now! When I had more time on my hands on the weekends, a Saturday like today. I would go and say "What is a new meal that I could learn to make, that isn't overwhelming but something that we would love?"...

I would then go look for a new meal, or you can go visit We probably have a hundred different recipes there. Again it's, and you can try one new meal. So on the weekends, I would go "Okay, we've got our five basic meals, and I'm going to try something new"...
Sorry, ignore my four dogs. We've got four girls, and four dogs, our house is usually loud... Okay going back, so that's what we did. And that's how we learned to like what we liked, and what we didn't like. Switching up the meals, and not eating the same things all the time... So I am heading out to Costco today, and I will share with you what I got. Who loves Costco? What I'm going to do today is I'm going to Costco, because I'm going to try a new meal. Who loves pesto? My incredible friend Gina made an amazing meal. It was not Keto, but it's okay. And that's another really quick keto tip, "You can do the best that you can in your controlled environment. But when you go somewhere else, you could just pick out the noodles and eat just the meat"...
Anyways, she made this incredible chicken pesto cream cheese. It had some noodles, but you could easily swap it out for cauliflower rice. So I'm going to try a new meal that I have never made this week, and I'm actually really excited. I'm going to go to Costco, and I'm going to share with you what I'm making... So I took the weekdays and I stuck to the same basic meals. If your goal is fat loss, to feel better, or to get on this journey, then stick to something super simple. Same meals throughout the weekdays. Don't mess up good for perfect, and pack the same lunches. I know, "I'm bored of the same meals", I don't care. If you've got big goals, then your goals need to outweigh the "I don't really want eggs again", or "I don't really want the salad". Well, until you're not overwhelmed, and you want to make a new meal without getting overwhelmed or quitting, then that's what you treat the weekends for. Or whatever day that you have, that you're like "Today is the day that I actually have some more time"...

Go to, go do some research online and figure out a new meal you want to create. And on the weekend or that weekday that works for you, make that one new meal. As you learn the things you like and don't like, you'll create a larger menu or larger options of meals for you...
So today, I'm going to go to Costco. I'm going to try something new with some cauliflower rice, chicken, and pesto in our crockpot. I'm going to share it with you even if it's yucky, but I hope it is delicious. Because in my mind, I'm very excited about it. So take one or two days, minus the weekends, and try something new that will grow your menu options. And that is my Keto Tip of the Day... I hope it's helpful. I'm going to show you some different things as I'm going through Costco. I'm going to show you some things that might seem Keto that is not or low carb that is not.
"The tip is to flip", flip it over and make sure you're actually knowing. Just because it says keto on the front, does not mean it's true keto on the back.
So our advertising or marketing can be very tricky, you just have to know what you're looking for. I'll walk you through that today... Otherwise, if you seriously drinking ketones and you want to save 31% off on a box? Go grab a box! Post promo in the comments, and we will chat... For those of you who are waiting for the book, I truly failed on the book club this last week. I was going to hop on this morning, but I slept until 10:30 on purpose. None of us slept all week, for multiple reasons. We did not sleep well. So I told everybody, "Nobody's getting alarm clocks. Nobody's getting up to anything except for when our body wakes up"... Because we were all exhausted after driving twelve hours yesterday, and we just had a crazy week. So we didn't sleep the greatest, but we were able to sleep today.

I promise you, I will be doing a live video on Monday. We're not going to restart the book, we've already gone through a few pages. So we're just going to recap the book club book, "Chasing Daylight" by Erwin McManus. We will forge through ahead on our book, and I promise you I did not forget.
If you're asking what in the world am I talking about every morning?. I come on here every morning, and we would work on our mindset. We are reading a book together called "Chasing Daylight", and it's an incredible book. By Monday, we are going to restart, and I will be on at 7:30 central time, no matter what. We are going to kickstart this book and keep going. So keep reading because it's great. We're going to go through five pages a day. If you have not started, or you don't have the book, you can just tune in every single morning to work on your mindset and I will help you on the journey. I had to sleep this morning, I did not even work out. I slept, I showered, and I feel incredible. I baked with our kids, and now I'm heading to Costco. So with that, I hope you guys have an incredible day.
The tip is to keep it simple during the week, try something new on the weekends. Add it to your menu, check out for some more different things that you can cook.
Otherwise, continue to tune into the page, we share lots of recipes, tips, and tricks. I'm trying something new tomorrow, and I'm excited about it. If you want the promo and grab some Mom Fuel, just post "promo" in the comments and I would love to chat more about it. I hope you have a great day and we'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye!
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