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Cheat days and Fasting - Real Talk | Keto Mom

Keto Mom here!

I just wanted to come on here, be real transparent and say I am not perfect at all. For those of you who are asking, how do you always eat so perfect, your meals look great. Yes, they do. All the recipes that we share are incredible. But we all slip up, and it is what it is. So if you decide to have a cheat weekend or a cheat meal, you have to get back on track.

Points to Ponder

00:12 What happens if you cheat

01:13 Father's Day weekend

01:47 A Fish Fry

03:00 I overdid it

03:41 Get back on track

04:15 Tools to get me back on track

04:35 What do we have to do

04:43 Intermittent fasting

05:42 Ketones

06:31 How I first started this lifestyle

09:05 We have the support

09:54 I started with drinking ketones

10:09 Benefits of Ketones

11:01 Drinking more water

11:55 Getting rid of temptation

12:34 Power of creating a new habit

Full Episode Transcript

Hi everybody! Welcome to the Keto mom page, you get me twice today, maybe three times, we'll have to see. Again welcome to the Keto Mom page, we're gonna dive into talking about what happens if you cheat or have a cheat meal or a cheat weekend. You pay for it, but how do you get back on track... That's what we're going to talk about, so as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from?

I'm going to be brutally honest with you and tell you, I had some cheats this weekend and I paid for it. I paid for it specifically today, and I felt like I might die.

I'm not going to, so don't worry, but I felt miserable. So as you're tuning in, how is your day going? I am doing a 24 hour fast. I'm going to walk you through what a cheat meal, a cheat day or a cheat weekend looks like and how do you get back on track...

We had a Fun Father's Day weekend

And if you decide to do it, what you might feel after you do it. So anyways, did everybody have a good Father's Day weekend? We had a great one. We live in a lake, it's our lake. We bought the home and it was an old rock quarry. And so it was filled up with water years and years ago and the people that owned it before stocked it with fish.

We had a friend that came out, and he said we've got to get some of these fish out of our lake. There's too many of them, and if we don't, then they just won't grow and all this fancy verbiage. So we thought, perfect! We'll have a fish fry. So we did, we had some friends out, it was super fun with friends and family. We caught probably a hundred fish and big bass. So we fried up and we were going to grill some of them, but we were just exhausted by the end of the day. So we fried up all the fish, and you could peel some of the outside if you wanted to.

But let me tell you, I'm not a huge fish lover (I love salmon), so for me, it's not a big deal. I think I had one piece of fish that night. But I love when people come and do a potluck, like everybody brings things, and there were a lot of things. So the fish fry was fun, the fish was great, but I don't think that's what set me off. I love chips, I love salty things. And then somebody brought these ridiculously incredible cinnamon rolls. There were salads, and there was all things that could be Keto, but then there were things that were not right. Usually I'm pretty good at not overdoing it or maybe having a bite of something, but I overdid it. And today, I messaged my girlfriends, and I said I can't leave the bathroom. I'm going to be really honest with you, if you decide to cheat, if you decide to have a cheat meal or a cheat weekend, I want you to know something first of all, it will remind you why you eat better.

Tools to get back on track, Ketones

If you like me, react like how my body reacted, you are going to be in the bathroom all morning. I messaged my friends, and told them I might die. My stomach was in knots and it's terrible, and so all of us actually are fasting right now. "How do I really get back on track?" I know how to do this, I coach people on how to do it.

Shame on me for eating the food that I ate. But I know better, and so if you decide to have a cheat weekend or a cheat meal, you have to get back on track.

We had enjoyed our Father's Day weekend, we had a great time with friends and family. So if you don't have something to get you back on track, it can spiral out of control. I'm not saying that I didn't have cravings for other things this morning, but I have tools to get me back on track. So mentally, if you decide to enjoy yourself, or you're going on vacation, whatever it is, first of all you have to get back on track.

So you have to say "No more! I'm done"... I knew I was going to fast today, I just didn't realize how I'd feel this morning. Second of all "How do you do it, like what do we have to do?"... There's lots of different things that you can do. You can do a water fast, but I've never done that.

I've only done three different types of fasts... Intermittent fasting in the morning, which is simply, you stop eating at separate times.

I stopped eating earlier last night, because I'm doing the 24 hr. Fast. So you stop eating around dinner time and you intermittent fast, and you go to about lunchtime the next day. That's around fourteen to sixteen hours, and that's something you can do every day. It's just great to rest your body, it helps with fat loss and so many different things. You can just google intermittent fasting and figure out all the benefits of why to do that. That's the first type of fast that I've done consistently.

You could also do a 60 hour Keto reboot. We have the reboot kits, I don't have one right now, but that's a 60 hour long reboot to where we have a kit for that. That's an option, but I'm not going to talk about that one, because I'm going to tell you what I'm doing right now instead. This is what I'm doing, I've drank Ketones for six years and in my mind, if I'm going to cheat, I have a tool to get me back on track. So I drank Ketones this morning, and it helped with cravings, it also helps with energy. So I felt good in my head, but not good in my stomach. But now I feel great! What's so good about my body is it will tell me as soon as I eat something, and it doesn't go very well, but then I still turned out fine. So then I messaged my girlfriend's and I said I'm fine, don't worry I'm not dying. So this is what I'm doing today, a 24 hour fast. If you want to know more about the fast, we offer it every Sunday and Monday. You can grab a fast and I can help walk you through it, if you want to do it, it's very basic.

If you want to know more about this fast, post fast in the comments. But if you don't like a fast, I'll tell you how I first started this lifestyle, six years ago, in just a minute. But this is what the fast looks like, I put the whole kit together and I've already used some of it. But the basic concepts are, you stop eating anywhere from three to five o'clock today. If I was going to start, I would start anywhere from three to five o'clock.

I'd eat my last meal, not something heavy, and I'm going to start the 24 hr. Fast. So before bed, you take the NAT lite, and you take some PM pills. I did this last night, I took the PM pills and the NAT lite and I went to bed. I woke up this morning, if you heard the beginning of my story it did not go very well. I ate garbage, and I paid for it, but I feel fine now.

So I woke up this morning, I actually had some water, I did a workout, and I drank my Ketones.

It comes with a Keto NAT, you drink whatever flavor's in the kit, put it in some water, super simple. And then I had my AM pills, I did that this morning and I had some water after that. So I just fill up a jug of water and in MITO PLEX, it gives you electrolytes. Better Broth was my lunch, and then I will eat dinner tonight. So you go from an early dinner yesterday and I go 24 hours to today, and then I'll eat something tonight.

I think we're just going to grill up some burgers, I'll probably eat something super light. If I'm not hungry, I might not eat because I don't have to, I might wait till tomorrow breakfast. There's an extra electrolyte packet in there, but this is makes up a really great kit to get myself back on track, and flush out my system because I should not have done what I did. I'm not perfect, I really do the best that I can majority of the time. There are times where I'll say I'll be fine, I then I forgot how terrible I felt, and then I make the mistake again, which happens. So I mentally was saying never again, ever. I'm not going to say that I won't ever have a cheat, I just won't. I won't be nibbling on stuff, it was literally terrible. So this is the kit, and if you want to know more, I think it's incredible even just to get started. Some people say I just need a kickstart to my journey. I feel like this is the easiest fast to do. I ate yesterday something light, I'm going to eat today. If you're just starting, you're not going to starve, and you drink everything in the kit.

Let me help you get started

We have the support and I will help you. So if you want to know more about the kit, post 24 hours below and we can chat. If you feel like there's no way I'm going to fast and you're just starting.

Let's just work on your food, I can give you a foods list. If you want to know more about how I started, I have a video of exactly how I started, and a basic foods list.

Post food in the comments, you and I can chat. I actually started with drinking Ketones, I'm drinking an extra Ketone today, to get me through. Because I had a terrible headache all day, as well as from the food that I ate. I paid for it, shame on me, I should have been spanked. I know better. So if you want to just start with food, and you're brand new here, I will give you a video of how I started. I started with drinking ketones, I didn't start with fasting. I didn't start with intermittent fasting, instead I took this little packet, it was a different color six years ago, my husband handed it to me.

I put it in some water, I shook it up, I felt incredible. Ketones are incredible, it helps you with your energy, your focus, and your appetite control is amazing. Of all of the things, that's all I did.

And then I worked on eating better, I took one meal at a time one day at a time. So if you don't want to fast, it's fine, I can help you with your food. But if all you want to do is know more about my mom fuel and figure out why you should drink Ketones post mom fuel, if you're a dad post dad fuel, if you're not a mom, just post ketones. I don't care, post mom fuel in the comments whether you want to start with the fast, or you just need some food ideas post food below. Or straight up, I'm not going to fast, but I want some ketones that are incredible. You don't have to be eating strict keto to take this product, I was not. I started with learning how to eat low carb. I started with taking out the sugary drinks and drinking more water. Taking the buns off my burger, taking the croutons off the salad, learning how to eat vegetables. And then I drink one pack of Ketones every day.

Ketones are a great way to get you back on track

I didn't go through the Keto flu, I didn't feel terrible. It helped me choose better options. I felt like it was my survival mom fuel, I'm not even kidding, because back then, I had little girls, I have four daughters. There was a baby, two, four and six years old. Now, they are thirteen, eleven, nine, and eight, and they're so fun. So that's how I started.

I just wanted to come on here, be real transparent and say I am not perfect at all.

For those of you who are asking, how do you always eat so perfect, your meals look great. Yes, they do. All the recipes that we share are incredible. If you want food ideas, post food in the comments, and I'll send you the information. But we all slip up, and so it is what it is. I shoved everything out my door, people laughed, but I'm like, don't leave this here, don't take it here. I'm throwing it in the garbage, I don't want it, cinnamon rolls off my counter, take all the chips, take all of it. So I made them all leave, even if it wasn't their food. We even shoved some extra food that wasn't ours, but other people's, into our friend's car. I said I can't have it, none of it. Because if you listen to my live video this morning, we're going through the book "Atomic Habits". If you want to follow along every single morning, I do a live.

And the goal is to get your mindset right. If your mind isn't right, then you're going to spiral out of control all the time. So this morning, I talked about the power of creating a new habits, visualization and how powerful our eyes are.

So if you have things on your counter, like cookies or snacks, or cinnamon rolls, how easy would it have been to say it's not a big deal, I should probably finish them, I shouldn't waste them. The chips, I should probably eat those because that would be rude to waste. I had to clear off that counter, get them out of my house, not here, or it was going in the garbage can. So I just wanted to come on in here and check in. How are you doing, how was your weekend, how can I help? If you have food questions, please message me with any questions that you have. If you want to join me for the next fast. I actually like to do this once a week and you definitely can. So I'll send you some info about the fast, I'll send you some food info or just about my mom fuel. Whatever you want to know, ask me and I will answer your question.

So that's all I've got for you. I hope you guys have an incredible day and we'll talk to you soon.

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