Keto Mom here!
Whether you're on the book from May or June, it's okay! You work at your own pace. You read the books, and go through them in your timing. My hope and my encouragement for you is, read at least one page a day to get your mindset on track. Write one page a day in any of the books, to help you create systems, habits or routines. To go after your goals and your visions, so that you actually can hit it, sustain it and create a lifestyle. Because your mindset is super important.
When the Vision is Clear, The Results will Appear ~Terri Savelle Foy
Points to Ponder:
01:40 You Work at Your Own Pace
03:04 How are you going to end this year?
04:11 Get your Mindset Right
05:02 Get Back on Track the Next Day
05:57 Mastery Requires Practice
06:21 Have you learned anything?
07:25 The Greatest Threat to Success is Boredom
08:14 "When The Vision is Clear, The Results Will Appear."
09:49 Whatever You Believe, You're Going to Achieve.
10:39 Action Step: What are you going to do for the next 90 days?
Full Episode Transcript:
Hey! Welcome to the Keto Mom page, my name is Stephanie. We are wrapping up the month and diving into a new month. We're done with our "Dream it. Pin it. Live it" by Terri Savelle Foy. And I just want to say this "When the Vision is Clear, the Results will Appear". It's on the back of the book "When the Vision is Clear, the Results will Appear"... First of all, Congratulations to those of you who have been going through the books and have been working on your mindset. You feel great and you've created a vision board. Good job! If you have not finished your vision boards, or if you haven't created one, I would encourage you to either finish it or make one. Put it somewhere in your home. I encourage you to do that. This is the book that we finished, "Dream it. Pin it. Live it" by Terri Savelle Foy. I hope you enjoyed it. I did have a few people who messaged yesterday and say "What if I'm not done?", "When are you starting the next book?", "I feel like I'm behind"... I want you to know this... Anytime we're going through a book, my hope is that I can just give you something to think about...

By the way if you're just tuning in and you're brand new, welcome to my page. We have four daughters and for dogs. And usually in the mornings, my dogs just wake up and go crazy. So usually you will hear them. Alright! So we're finished with "Dream it. Pin it. Live it"... I want you to know something...
Whether you're on the book from May, June, or this summer some time, it's okay! You work at your own pace. You read the books, and go through them in your timing. My hope and my encouragement to you is, read at least one page a day. One page a day, to get your mindset on track. Write one page a day in any of the books, to help you create a system, habits or routine. To go after your goals and your visions, so that you actually can hit it, sustain it and create a lifestyle. Because your mindset is super important.
So we just went through this book and this is the workbook. Hopefully you created some type of vision board or you have some type of goals in your life that you're going to go after.
Now, it's the end of the month, the very last day. My question to you is, if you're one of those people that need a new month, or the beginning of the week, or need something to go "Yes! I am here! I am committed. I'm going to do this and I'm going to start over"... Tomorrow is that day for you! It's the first of October.
It is the day where you get to go "I am going to get focused", "I am going to be committed", "I'm going to restart"... You know, you really could look at every single day as a day like that. But if you need that one day, tomorrow is your day. So my question to you is "How are you going to end the end of this year?", "How are you going to dominate, conquer and go after goals?", "How is your focus going to be?", "What is your focus going to be from now, until the end of the year?"... I think we have approximately ninety days to get to 2022. "What are you going to do with these ninety days?". That actually is a pretty great number, because a lot can be accomplished in ninety days, with focus and intensity...

We're diving into holiday season, which means excessive amounts of candy, parties, treats, snacks, more parties and family gatherings. I get it! Just continue to tune in as we dive into these fun events, because I will give you some different ideas and recipes. We'll talk about things to get your mindset right, like instead of "I can't have anything", you can have an "Either, Or" mentality. Or "How am I going to celebrate with my family?"
Maybe certain days instead of the entire ninety days. Get that into your mind, we don't need to dive in to this holiday season and just throwing your hands up in the air. I'm just saying, for those of you who have goals and if you want to get healthier, if you want to stay healthy, if you want to feel strong, if you want to feel good, if you want to get to the end of the year and not have to start over. Then don't throw your hands up and say "There's too many things coming up. I'm just going to give up and I'll restart January 1st"... Don't do that. You can still enjoy yourself with your family, your friends, your co workers and still stay on track.
You can still do it, you can have some days where you're going to enjoy yourself but you can get back on track the next day. It doesn't have to be a ninety day free for all. You can still work out, stay healthy, make better choices and still enjoy time with with those that you love.
Does this make sense? So continue to tune into the page and I'm going to dive into those different tips and tricks for you, as we go on into the end of the year. But I wanted to let you know something. There are lots of books that we have read and one of the books if you have not read it, is "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. Again, you don't have to follow along with me every single day. If you're a book behind, a few pages behind, it's okay. The point why I'm doing this is just to help you every morning, get your mindset on track. So this is a book that we went through in June, and I was flipping through it. I love this part where it says "Mastery Requires Practice"... The point is we are practicing getting our mindset right every single day. We're reading, I'm learning from yo and hopefully you're learning something for me.

I would love to know if you went through "Atomic Habits"... If you've been tuning in here for the last one hundred and twenty days, I think we started really specifically in May. Have you learned anything?
Have you learned anything from this page, specifically on mindset? Have you learned anything around mindset and your health? Do you feel like it's helping you make better choices when you've got the right mindset? When you're thankful and grateful, when you're working on a positive attitude, do you feel like it helps you make better choices? Do you feel like it helps you stay on track?...
I would love to know, if have you taken one thing away? One thing that has helped you go "Yes! I feel like this helps me make better choices on my food"... "Mastery requires practice. But the more you practice something, the more boring the routine becomes. The greatest threat to success is not failure"...
I often say, "The only way you fail is if you quit". Don't quit on your goals, don't quit on your health and fitness journey. Don't quit over these next ninety days, because the only way you fail, is if you quit. But this book would say "The greatest threat to success is not failure, but boredom"...
It's the everyday mundane, not seeing the results in our instant society. In our microwavable society in our "I want to see something tomorrow" society otherwise I'm going to move on... It's in your everyday routine and habits that you will eventually see, not overnight, but with consistency. Mastery requires practice, and doing it every single day. Don't look at it as boredom, but instead look at it as a routine and you can totally do it. So I don't ever want you to get overwhelmed as we go through books. But I want you to just think of one thing, take it and then think about it throughout that day. The thought today was "When the vision is clear, The results will appear." When you're focused, when you're laser focused on something, the results will come over time.
This is the book that we're starting tomorrow, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. In the morning, I'm going to go through the first five chapters. Whether you already have it done tomorrow, or read the chapters that evening before you go to bed, or you simply listen and tune in here if you don't have the book. Follow along and continue to tune in. This is a really great book, it's an old book.
And a lot of you have asked "Why are we really focused heavily on money?". This isn't just about money, it's not think and grow rich. It's really a mindset of thirteen principles to help you in any area of life. Now he studied hundreds of very successful people during the time that he wrote the book. That gave him these Thirteen Principles, and if you do these things, you will see success in lots of different areas in your life. And one of them being your health.
You are most likely here, let's say, to get skinny? I want to get skinny. I want to get stronger, I want to get healthier. Awesome! So with that you've got a backup and there's a lot of other things you probably have to work on. When somebody comes to me and says "I need to lose a hundred pounds". It's probably not just "I need to lose a hundred pounds". But we need to back up and go "How did we get here?", "Where is your mindset?", "What things in your past affected the way that you eat?".. It's in your mind.
Do you believe you can or you can't? Because whatever you believe, you're going to achieve.

If you don't believe that you can do it, then you're right. Because your mindset is telling you that and therefore you're not going to do it. If you believe that you can, which is mindset and learning how to control that, then you will. Remember, it's not overnight and in all of the things that we're learning, you could take it and apply it to any area of your life. Relationships, spiritually, mentally, physically or financially.
So this is the book we're diving into tomorrow.
And just do something... Do something to get your mindset on track and be inspired every day. Because if you wake up with a thankful and grateful heart, a positive mindset, then you're going to choose better the rest of your day. With that, join us tomorrow.
My encouragement, challenge and action step for you today is simply "What are you going to do for the next 90 days?"...
Are you going to continue to create habits, create systems and stay focused through the holidays and through the family gatherings?. There's one day that you can have fun here, it doesn't have to be the entire ninety days. So don't give in, don't give up! Stay focused and continue to tune in here. I'm always here to answer questions. Send me messages with any questions on Keto or Low Carb recipes, food, Ketones or whatever it is, I'm here to help. I hope you have an incredible day. I love all the vision boards that you guys have sent me. I love seeing them. If you have not created your board, I would encourage you to create your board. Otherwise, I hope you have an incredible day and we will see you tomorrow. Bye everybody!
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