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"DREAM IT, PIN IT, LIVE IT" (Chapter 1.2): Breaking through Barriers | Keto Mom Book Club

Writer's picture: Keto MomKeto Mom

Updated: Oct 11, 2021

Keto Mom here!

Pay attention to what you're thinking about and have the audacity to go after your dreams. My hope is that you can believe that you can achieve anything in your health and fitness. My hope is that you start dreaming about other things like relationships, finances, business, hobbies, your marriage, or even your relationship with your kids. My hope is that you find other things to go after, as well.

Points to Ponder:

01:48 Morning Workout Routine

02:32 A Bread joke

03:12 Why Create a Vision Board?

03:34 Dare to Break through Barriers

03:53 Team Building

05:23 You had a Little bit of Success and you Quit

06:02 Audacity

06:30 Arnold Schwarzenegger's story's story

07:08 The key word in the sentence is "You"

07:30 Two sayings for your Action Step

08:27 "As I think, so I feel. As I feel, so I do. As I do, so I have"

09:06 Accept Responsibility

10:26 Positive or Negative

11:16 "I Have to" vs "I Get to"

13:03 Start Writing down the Dreams that you have

Full Episode Transcript

Good morning! Welcome to the Keto Mom page, we're diving into the book "Dream it. Pin it. Live it" by Terri Savelle Foy. The thought for you today is "You cannot be wimpy out there on the dream seeking trail. Dare to break through barriers to find out your own path". That's what we're talking about as we're diving into this book. If you are brand new to the page, I'd love for you to post "New" below. We are going through a book every single morning and right now is this book, "Dream it. Pin it. Live it" by Terri Savelle Foy . It's all about creating visions, dreams, vision boards, and we're going to help you figure out what your dreams are. What do you want to go after? What have you given up because you thought you couldn't achieve it?...

Welcome to day 3 of our Book 6 session
If you're following or reading along with me, I will tell you it's going to be hard to stop. Unless you're on a time crunch. So I'll try to go through the book at a reasonable pace, that way you can think about it, you can absorb it, and you can take action on it.

We are going through page six to eleven and my hope is to get through the entire book by the twentieth or the twenty first of this month, because we're creating the vision boards by the end of the month. If you're tuning in here every single day, I will give you the highlights of the book. If you're reading, that's awesome! We'll create the vision boards at the end. So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from? I have a joke for you to start your morning off. I hope your morning is going well. I just got done with my workout. I'd love to know, do you work out in the mornings, the afternoon, or in the evening? Maybe I should ask "What is your favorite time to workout?"... I prefer mornings, because it helps me make better choices the rest of the day, and I feel great. I don't always look great, I'm kind of a sweaty mess. But I feel great, I actually did body pump this morning. If you're familiar with that, it's great! I love to lift weights, and I'd love to know what your morning looks like...

Here is a joke for you, it's a bread joke and we're on a keto page. Okay, "What is the best thing about bread jokes?" Answer: They never get Stale! 

My kids love jokes. 

Okay, one more... "What did the mother bread say to her children?" 
Answer: It's way past your bread time. 

Alright! We're going to dive into the next couple pages of this book, and we are going to be creating a vision board. Why? Because if you keep your visions in front of you visibly, like with pictures and all, you're going to find yourself going after it and not quitting. So don't settle where you are at. We're now on page six. If you're reading, here's a simple story "You cannot be wimpy out there on the dream seeking trail. Dare to break through barriers to find your own path"... So she talks about a story of people that are climbing a mountain. She says there's a famous mountain climbing resort in the Swiss Alps, and it's for catering businesses, and team building. So these people go and they are team building. Their goal is to climb the mountain all together, get to the top of the mountain, take the picture, have success and feel great. So they encourage you to do this together to build the team.

"Dream it. Pin it. Live it" by Terri Savelle Foy

Halfway up the mountain, there's a little resort and in the resort, you can stop and you can take a break. You can get comfortable, eat some food, and get warm before you finish your team building activity. But you want to know what happens, which is super interesting.

She says "After they are well fed and comfortable, less than half of the people or less than half of the team continue on to finish the climb to get to the top. It's not because they're not motivated. It's not because they are incapable of climbing the mountain. It's simply that they have tasted a little bit of success and they have decided that it's good enough. They are satisfied with what they've accomplished". 

And so in the book she talks about "What a shame it is to quit before you've reached your goals"... Have you ever quit early? Maybe you're sitting in a place right now where you're like "I wish I would have kept going throughout the summer", "I wish I would have kept working out or eating a specific way", "I wish I would have kept going"...

Maybe you had a little bit of success and you quit, or you stopped. But that doesn't mean it's a failure, you can start back up again. But for that moment, you were like "This is good enough", "Nope, this is good enough, I'm going to be fine"...

So she talks about "Quitting early". Do you have the audacity to dream dreams? Do you have the audacity to keep going or to restart back up? What do successful people have in common? What does it take to go from "Wishing things could change" to "Living your dreams?"... It's Audacity, and taking action. It's doing the things even other people say that you will never accomplish. "There's no way you can do that", "There's no way you're going to get to that weight", or "You can't accomplish that big goal"... "Audacity is having the nerve, the courage of daring to dream, the boldness, the fearlessness, the grit and the willing to take risks"...

She tells Arnold Schwarzenegger's story of where he started, why people said he wouldn't do what he could do and laughing at his dreams. "When you develop the audacity to dream, and to get out of your mundane, or the rut of your life that you find yourself in today, people will think you're crazy".

They may laugh at you. They may say your dreams are silly. But who cares if they laugh, it's not their dream, it's yours. You must have the audacity to believe that you can achieve your impossible dreams.
Have the AUDACITY to Dream Big, and be Fearless

The key word in the sentence is "You". You will achieve in your life, what you believe you can achieve"... I've got two little sayings for you, so think about these. If I were you, I would write these down and put them in front of you. Think about these sayings today, that's your action step. So I've got two things...

Number one, and I want you to say this to yourself today "As I think ,so I feel. As I feel, so I do. As I do, so I have"...

Joseph McClendon III, talks about this a lot in some of the events that we go to. "As I think"... Your mindset is the reason we read every morning. This is why we put positive things into our mind, because "As I think, so I feel". It creates an emotion good or bad. "How I feel, so I do"...

If your mindset isn't right, you feel a certain way and you do certain actions. If you've got negative mindset when you wake up in the morning, you're going to feel like garbage. You're going to choose not great foods, skip your workout, and grab the soda instead of water. "As I think, so I feel. As I feel, so I do. As I do, so I have"...

There's a different way to say it..."Right thinking produces right speaking (the words that come out your mouth). Right speaking produces the right believing. Right believing produces the Right receiving"... What do you want? If your mindset isn't right, if the words that you're speaking aren't right, it creates not great emotions, which creates not great actions, which creates the things that you have. And it all boils down to "You". You're going to have to accept responsibility. And if you truly want something, you're going to have to change the way you think, which changes the words you speak and the way you feel, which changes the actions that you are doing every single day.

What do you have the audacity to dream? What do you have the nerve to believe in? I want you to develop such a grit in your life that people will say to you "You have the audacity to believe that you're going to lose the hundred pounds?", "You're going to run the marathon?", "You're going to change your family's life?"... Yes I am! And people might go "No way". But you have to believe you can do it. And you will do it. As you say it, you believe it, and as you put it in front of you, you will go after your goals.

Choose to attract Positivity in your life
As you tune in here, as you find encouragement and accountability. You can do it but you have to believe in it. "Before you ever achieve success, you must first have the audacity to believe in yourself and your dreams"...

And lastly for the day, "The images you visualize in your mind become your reality. Your mind is like a magnet. Whatever gets in your mind will stay there. You will attract in your life this law, it's either positive or negative. So if your thoughts are negative, you will attract negativity. You're going to see negativity, you're going to have negative people in your life, therefore you're going to probably not achieve your goals. And then the opposite, if your thoughts are positive, you will attract positivity. You will see more positive things in your life, you're going to be more thankful, and you're going to feel better. You're going to attract positivity and people around you, and you're going to eventually achieve your goals"...

"A man becomes what he thinks about, most of the time"... People become what they think about, most of the time.

So my encouragement to you is, what are you thinking about throughout the day? Where is your mindset? What are you thinking about right now? Where was your mindset this morning when you got up? Was it "Ugh! I have to go to work", "Ugh! I have to do this", "I have to work out", "I have to not eat the doughnuts"... Or was it "I get to wake up and workout", "I get to choose better foods", "I get to pack my lunch", "I get to go to work", "I get to homeschool my kids". "I get to"... Even that one little phrase, "I have to or I get to". Negative or Positive. My challenge to you today is think about what's on your mind. Pay attention to what you're thinking about and have the audacity to go after your dreams. Are you writing things down that you want to achieve? My hope is that you can believe that you can achieve anything in your health and fitness. Most of you want to lose some weight. Most of you want to feel better, you want to have a certain fitness goal, and that's awesome!

Start writing down those dreams, dare to dream!
My hope throughout this book is that you start dreaming about other things. Relationships, finances, business, hobbies, your marriage, or even your relationship with your kids. My hope is that you find other things that you are going to go after as well.
"As I think, so I feel. As I feel, so I do. As I do, so I have"...

So that's all I have for you today. She also tells a great story about Oprah on page eleven, and we will dive into page twelve tomorrow. My action for you is to continue to be mindful of the things you're thinking about. And start writing down the dreams that you have in your hearts. We're going to create a vision board together. This is the book we're going through, "Dream it. Pin it. Live it" by Terri Savelle Foy. Continue to tune in here every single day, and I'd love for you to press the share button. Sharing is caring so other people can join us. I hope you have a wonderful day and please reach out with any questions that you have on food, on recipes or on your goals. How do I get started, all of the questions, I'm here to help.

So have a wonderful day and we'll talk to you soon.

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