"If you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with, then don't settle for average people. What would that say about you? Look for people who are focused and determined. Cling to their enthusiasm for life. Learn from their skill sets and allow them to push you to higher levels". ~Terri Savelle Foy

Welcome to the Keto Mom page, my name is Stephanie. And we're diving into "Dream It, Pin It, Live It" by Terri Savelle Foy. We're going to talk about, "You get what you expect out of life". I hope that you're doing the action steps and writing out your goals.
So we went to a church called "Elevate Life Church", and pastor Keith Craft and his son, Pastor Josh Craft spoke yesterday. It was incredible!
"You get what you expect out of life".
What are you expecting in life?
When you get up in the morning, how do you expect your day to go?
How do you expect work to go?
How do you expect conversations or relationships to go?

And usually, that's what you get, whether it's negative or positive. What you expect determines what gets focused on, and what you focus on shapes your perspective.
As I think so I feel.
As I feel so I do.
As I do so I have.
~Joseph McClendon III
Pastor Keith and Pastor Josh Craft said it this way and they called it "The Triad".
"When you think, you be, you do, and then you have"
So as you think, you are. And as it creates an action, you do. And that's what you have. If you focus on what you're thinking about, like setting goals for next year, expecting greatness, staying on track, a better marriage, better finances, better relationships with your kids, a better body, or better health. I want you to expect it, I want you to think about it, and I want you to focus on it in a positive aspect.
We're going to change the way you're thinking so that you not only will you have your goals written out, but your expectation is also important. It's going to determine your perspective, and what you're going to have at the end of next year.

Alright! So going back to the book, we talked about "Don't share big dreams or small minds". I talked about being cautious or aware of who you're sharing your goals with, because not everybody will agree with you, nor do they want to see you succeed.
Just because somebody's close to you, doesn't mean they have to know everything that you're dreaming for. Actions speak louder than words, your words are powerful but if you want your kids, your spouse, or people to follow you, you actually need to do the action first.
You don't have always to tell them, instead, you have to show them that you're going to the gym and that you're going to be healthier this year by making better choices.
"If you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with, then don't settle for ordinary people. What would that say about you? Look for people who are focused and determined. Cling to their enthusiasm for life. Learn from their skill sets and allow them to push you to higher levels".
Action Step: Write out the five people you're closest to. Write out one quality you admire about them, and then write out their ambition level from 1 to 10.

So as you're waiting for these dreams and goals to manifest in your life, stay optimistic in spite of what doesn't seem to be happening. Focus on personal development. That's where reading, mindset, and the people you're with, play a huge part.
So you've got your goals written out, and you've got your vision board. You're journaling every day, you're doing the actions consistently, and you're believing in them. Now, what do you do? Work on "Personal Development".
Reading books, working on your mindset, watching the things that you watch, or the music you listen to. All those things play a factor in how you look at life, day in and day out. You get what you expect out of life.
"The bottom line is, if you want more, you must become more. Your life will only grow. To the extent that you grow. If you don't like the size of your life make an investment in yourself, it's time to grow your dreams".
Oftentimes people say that they don't have people in their life that pushed them. So if you don't have somebody within your proximity, at work, or in your friend group, start paying attention to the people around you. People who you would love to mentor you. Start seeing people that have what you want, and let these people become your mentors.

Think about the people that have the characteristics and values that you want to have. Listen to those people online, read their books, or attend one of their conferences. Those people are the ones you're going to learn from, and they become your mentors.
Alright! So, we'll continue to talk about, goal setting and I would encourage you not to wait until January to start thinking about your goals. For January, we're going to start "The Divine Fingerprint, The Force That Makes You Unstoppable" by pastor Keith Craft. It's mighty, so grab the book and join us starting in January.
I want you to grow as a person, I believe in you. As a person, there's greatness inside of you. You get what you expect out of life. What are you expecting out of your day? My word for next year is "Build", or "To Build Within".
I'm getting up earlier.
I'm going to be intentional.
I'm focusing on building within.
There are a lot of goals that we have as a family. A lot of business and relationship goals. The Lord said, "Build Within".
That's my focus for this next year, and I encourage people to have a word for the year so that when we have challenges, they have a word to anchor themselves to. That's it, I hope you have an incredible morning. Thank you for tuning in and we'll talk to you soon.
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