Keto Mom here!
Number one, always have a water bottle with you, so my water bottle is holding up my phone, it's on the other side I'll even show you. So drinking water, always have a water bottle with you so you don't have to go through a store and grab water bottles, we just fill it up in the sink. So when you go to a restaurant, we never ordered drinks, we've never ordered drinks for years and years and years.
Points to Ponder
00:56 How to stay Keto while travelling
01:42 We have learned to adapt
02:18 Travel tips
03:27 Pack some low carb wraps
04:15 You are in full control
04:31 Tips when going out to eat
05:41 Keto low carb snack
06:33 Don't eat because you're bored
06:54 It all comes with time
07:17 Stop binging on unhealthy things
07:36 Focus on eating better
07:43 Pay attention to different markers
08:06 Things to do when travelling
09:05 Keep it simple
09:31 The only way you fail is if you quit
09:52 Drawings for Ketones
Full Episode Transcript
Hey everybody! I hope you're having a wonderful Thursday. I was gonna hop on here and as you're tuning in, make sure you tell me where you're tuning in from, but the question of the day is "How do you stay Keto or low carb while you're traveling?" I'll get to that in just a second, but real quick where are you tuning in from? We're tuning in from Florida, Destin. It's not the warmest, we kind of joked about it last night, when we flew in, it was probably the same temperature in Minnesota as it was Florida. It's beautiful, there's palm trees, we've been walking around. We are meeting some friends, we're super excited, but in my stories one of the questions was, "How do you stay Keto or low carb while you're traveling?"

Now, if you're brand new to the page, you have not seen our family for the last five years. We actually have been traveling for five years, up until this year. But up until the world had a shift, we had traveled, we had gotten on a plane almost every 30 days. So we were traveling for the last five years, overseas to different countries all over the world. And then this year, we've driven a handful places and this is our first time on an airplane in almost a year, which is crazy. Now, the reason I say that is because we have learned how to adapt and to pack snacks and how to eat.
Most people are afraid, "I can't leave the house, I can't do something because what if I screw up on my food?". So I just wanted to give you a couple simple tips, and they're very easy tips you might just need to hear it. So is anybody going on a vacation soon, is anybody traveling anywhere...
Number one, always have a water bottle with you, so my water bottle is holding up my phone, it's on the other side I'll even show you. So drinking water, always have a water bottle with you so you don't have to go through a store and grab water bottles, we just fill it up in the sink.
So when you go to a restaurant, we never ordered drinks, we've never ordered drinks for years and years and years. So if you don't order yourself a soda or juice, that's a win. So that would be my number one tip, number two pack yourself some snacks. So I have bars that we pack, I think I've showed these before. I'm not a huge like pre snack person but when we travel, things like this come in handy I have a lot of these in my purse and pockets and so if somebody gets hungry I can grab this and eat it.

We have these, my kids have some other protein bars, so are they the perfect option? No, but they are a sure better option when you find yourself hungry or little packages of almonds and nuts. I actually packed some low carb wraps and a thing of peanut butter in our bag.
So I think of things that I can put in our bag so that we can make sure that you stay on track or you don't go binge, because that's the easiest thing to do while you're traveling.
So water, having some low carb better option snacks, I threw some foods in my suitcase. Have any of you guys tried these from Target? So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from and let me know below. "What are your keto low carb tips as you're traveling, what works for you, what keeps you on track?".
So we just went out to eat, we had a steak my husband got cheesy spinach on the side, I don't think he ate any of the sides he just ate the steak. But you are in full control going out to eat one hundred percent, now you're not in control if you'd like to have this "Oh I want everything organic and homegrown and make sure everything is perfect".
Then clearly you're not going to travel, but if you're going out to eat, take the buns off the burgers, the croutons off the salad or grab a lettuce wrap, steak and a salad, burger no bun, grilled chicken and some vegetables.
Don't overthink this, make sure you've got your own snacks and some water, you'll be just fine. We made a target run and I saw these there and I've never tested these, some of my friends talk about these a lot and say they love them. I've never tried these specific ones, I've asked you all if you've tried them and if you'd like them or not, but I needed to give you a true... I'm gonna be real honest with you, so it's made of almond flour, coconut oil, and collagen. I would say if you need a sweet treat, I love these bars and I actually could eat these. They're tiny, my favorite thing about eating an actual Keto low carb snack, I feel like when you don't have a snack with a ton of sugar, like a candy bar, you're not craving it. So I honestly, if I needed something to curb my sweet tooth after supper, I could eat one of these cookies and be just fine. There's some treats that people make, like a Keto snack that has so much erythritol or so much like stevia, but these are great. So I actually would eat these, so we've got these ones that come in a pretty small package. You might want to keep for yourself, so I would say you have to find the things that work for you.

And I was just talking to one of you earlier, you don't just eat these because you're bored, you don't just go eat something because you want to munch on something and you're sitting down to watch a movie. You have to get into a good state with your food, so don't eat if you're not hungry. I've had so many messages today about not reaching the goals that you want, not feeling like you're doing things right.
And it all comes with time, you did not get here today overnight, you're not going to get to where you want to go overnight. So I want you to think about this very logically, if you switch the foods that you're eating, and you're drinking more water, and you're moving your body and you are focused, it will work.
Because if you stopped binging on Debbie snacks, you're not living on chicken nuggets and mac and cheese and corn dogs and Debbie snacks and pizza, that was me six years ago, and if I switched my food it will work. If you're not focused on the skill, or making sure everything is perfect, but you're solely focused on eating better foods, you're going to have results.
It's not going to be overnight, it might not even be in 30 days, but you've also got to pay attention to different markers.
How's your energy, how's your focus, do you find yourself not as sleepy, do you feel like you're not as moody with your kids... All of those things are benefits to eating healthy, so that's a win.
This scale will move eventually, pay attention to inches lost and how your clothes are fitting, and learn as you go and learn something new and implement it and take action. So when you're traveling, it really shouldn't be stressful, it's drinking your water, getting your sleep, moving your body you'll feel better, reading. I would say mindset is so important for your journey, and it is choosing better options when you go to a restaurant, it's choosing the best option for you. You're ordering the food, you're in full control. So you might you go "Oh yeah, I know I'm out to eat, but I would love to have this", if you're going to have a cheat, that's fine but you got to get back on track. So everybody's different, everybody has things that they can do and not quit, and so if you have specific things that help you while you're traveling, post those below. Things that you bring with, if we're driving we bring a cooler, we pack the cooler with food, we got on an airplane, obviously we did not pack a cooler, we went to the store and grab some water bottles.

And so keep it simple, don't overthink it, don't be fearful to travel, buns off the burgers, croutons off the salad or grab a lettuce wrap, steak and vegetables, chicken and vegetables. Keep it simple, so I hope that's helpful, reach out with any questions you have. Today is your day fourteen, or it's maybe your day twelve or maybe your day whatever. But we are fourteen days into January, how are your goals going, how are you doing?
The only way you fail is if you quit, so if you were like "Ugh! I was doing great, and then the last couple days not great". It's okay, get back up, keep going.
So check in here, we'll do some drawings as soon as I get back on Monday. As long as you're checking in your name is going to go in, we're doing drawings for Ketones and drawings for books. So check in, let us know how you're day 14 are your day 12 or whatever it is for you. Ask any questions below and then I'll be answering a whole bunch more questions in the stories. So all the questions that came in, I will come back and answer those very soon.
So I hope you guys have a great evening and we'll talk to you soon.
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