"When you have the vision, you have direction. If you don't know what you're supposed to do, my advice for you today is "Vision". Vision creates clarity, focus, and direction. It's harder for people to move you, and it's harder for you to fall into the trap of comparison".
Hey everybody! Welcome to the Keto Mom page. My name is Stephanie, and there's so much to talk about. First of all, I have been praying and I have been thinking about where I want this page to go and what I want to post about. Of course, all things keto, but what else?
We're going to start doing things differently. I'm going to start sharing a lot more things about life. I want to cast a vision so that you can hear my heart with the Keto Mom page and the things I want to focus on. I truly hope I can help you on your own personal journey in life or in anywhere that you're going.

I want you to know that anytime that you're going to do something in your life, or take a step out in faith. Anytime that you're going to do something different, or something out of your comfort zone and not in your norm. You might feel a little weird.
This page is called the Keto Mom page, and we share different recipes, keto tips, and tricks throughout the day, that might help you on your journey. You can also go to ketomomsecrets.com for recipes that we've shared for the last seven years. There's no shortage of recipes, and you can always send me a message and ask me any questions.
For over a year now, we started going through books to help you in the mornings and help you with your mindset. Food is great, I can teach you how to eat and give you some tips on working out or drinking more water. But I realized that what's more important is your mindset, and understanding of why you do the things you do or how to get the results you're wanting to get.
I've been sitting here for over a month thinking, "There's got to be something more". Do you ever feel like you want more, and you just want to do more? I want something different, so I'm going to have to do different things to get different results.
So I'm going to continue to talk about books, mindset, food, and keto. I also wrote down some things that I'm super passionate about. We're going to talk about vision.
I am a mom, I have four daughters and I have an incredible husband. We live in Minnesota, and we are people of action. We love to do things, see ideas, and just take action on lots of different things. We're passionate about helping others pursue their better.

Do you have a mission statement for your life? We're going to talk about vision and I've been revisiting the mission vision we have for the Keto Mom page. Why are we here? Why are we doing this? It's always good to revisit a vision in your life or to revisit the things you're doing. Why do you want to lose 50 pounds? Is it to look a certain way? Your vision for your life is very important.
So I've been reading, praying, thinking, and really asking myself, "What do I want to do here on the Keto Mom page?". Here are some words that you're going to hear more often...
We talked about the book called "Chazown", which is about the different spokes in your life that affect what you do on a daily basis. If your finances are out of whack, and your fitness is not where you want it to be. If your family relationships or your friends aren't well, and you don't have faith, you feel stuck, and you don't have the freedom that you want, it can cause emotional stress and frustration.
Do you want to know what most people do with all those feelings? They eat them, They eat their feelings and frustration. Why do we put so much focus on what to eat? People always say, "Give me a new recipe", or "I want to know what to eat". It truly boils down to people just overeating. I can tell you how to eat, what to eat or give you all the new recipes. But in general, most of the time people don't really know what they truly want.
They're not focused, because there's not a true vision for their life.

Most people are overeating because they're eating out of frustration, out of habit, boredom, anger, or out of all those things. People fail to look at faith, family, relationships, friends, their fitness, or their finances. Any of these things in life is going to affect the food that you put in your mouth.
If there's anything that you want to focus on in your life, there are usually people that have gone before you. There are podcasts and books to help you. If you feel like there's an area in your life that's not going so well, then you need to find somebody that's already done it. So that you can learn from them and you can move forward.
For example, I am working on some different things in leadership for our team and our business. That's something that's super important to me. So you're going to hear me share more about business. I love business, and I love helping families get financially free. One of the spokes that we'll talk about is finances. Because, either the lack of or the misuse of your finances, causes frustration in people's lives and therefore eat more.
I have been learning about leadership, and how to cast a vision. And so I found a book to help me do better for my team. If there are areas in your life that you're lacking, then find a person, resource, podcast, or book to help you become better in that area. I'm reading this book called "Lead Like It Matters" by Craig Groeschel. This is helping me in the area of leadership and business.

We've got teenagers, so I found a book that will help me in the area of being a better mom. There is a book that is legitimately changing my life as far as teenagers go. I think this book is incredible for anybody, it's called "Love Her Well" by Kari Kampakis.
It's about 10 ways to find joy and connection with your teenage daughter. Let me share the insights and the valuable information in this book, as a parent or as a whole. This is something that I want to be great at. I want to have incredible relationships with our daughters. So, therefore, I found a book about a mom who also has four daughters. Ironically, we also have four daughters. This author walked us through the teenage years, and she shared her valuable insights.
Why would I not want to learn from somebody who's already done it?
If you have a vision for your life, and if you're wanting something, then find somebody who's already done it. It could be through a book or meeting somebody in person and learning from them so that you don't have to make all the general mistakes. So in all of that, I want to be more intentional. I want to share more of our family and our hearts, where we're going, what we're doing, and the things that we've learned. Maybe it can add value to you.

Your life does not revolve around food. You can change your meals up, and you can make better choices.
It's so important how you start your morning too. Own your morning, own your day.
It's so important...
The things you're putting into your mind.
The words you're speaking over yourself.
The things that you're reading.
The things that you're watching.
The people that you surround yourself with.
All of those things are going to have an effect on your fat loss. Whether you agree with it or not, it will. There are so many things that people just throw to the side because they don't think that it will affect them, and they end up not wanting to work on them. But if you don't work on your relationships, your finances, your marriage, your family, or any of those areas. Then you might go around and around the same circle every day.

Where there is no vision, the people perish. You're going to hear me talk more about my faith, I think it's super important to have hope and vision in your life. But if you're living in this life of despair, then it's not a good place to live. Where do you fall in line with your faith? Do you have faith, or you don't? That's a big part of people's stories.
"What does success mean to you?"
Is success a certain look, or the amount of money in your bank account? Is it a way that people appear? They live their life on social media when in reality, that's probably actually not real.
"Where there is no vision the people perish. Vision matters in your life. It brings clarity, it brings focus and it brings direction".
Vision brings clarity to what you should do. Do you have a vision for your health?
I want to be this weight.
I want to look this way.
I want to feel this way.
I want to be able to do these things because I'm healthier.
I want to be a better grandma or a grandpa or a parent or an athlete.

Because when you have a vision of where you want to go, how you want to feel, and the way you want to look, you will have clarity of the things you're supposed to do throughout the day. You will have the clarity to help you make better choices, and you will have focus. This means other people's words, actions, and thoughts of you won't deviate from your direction because you've got clarity and focus. You know the direction you're supposed to go.
When you have the vision, you have direction. If you don't know what you're supposed to do, my advice for you today is "Vision".
What is your vision for your life?
Do you want to get healthy and strong?
Where do those fall in line with?
What are you focused on right now?
Where's your focus?
Vision creates clarity, focus, and direction.
When you have direction, you've got clarity. It's harder for people to move you, and it's harder for you to fall into the trap of comparison. If you have an off day, just keep moving forward, because you have clarity, focus, and direction. There are going to be days that you fall, trip up, get frustrated, or you don't make the right choices. But when you have clarity, focus, and direction, you can just keep moving forward because you're not going to quit. The only way you fail is if you quit.
I want you to make your vision clear, crisp, and memorable. What is your vision for your life? Where are you going? So something that Steve and I did years ago created one of our visions. Our vision was for our family, also to help other families and other people with living healthy, faith-filled lives. That is crisp, clear, memorable, and simple.
"Healthy, faith-filled lives".

We also want to help people live faith-filled lives. Which to me covers a lot of different things in their faith, their families, and in all different areas. This Keto Mom page is not going to just give you recipes. I hope it's going to give you some insight and value to help you in your entire life.
That is my goal! I will not just stick to giving you food because that is not going to change your life. I want to give you things that will change your life in different areas. To help you think outside of the box. To get you out of your comfort zone. And to help you in so many different areas that you hopefully can overflow into your family, your kids, and other people around you.
That is my vision for this page. I love to help people keep it simple. To understand that you have choices, to understand that every day you can get up and be positive or negative. You're going to speak words of encouragement over yourself and others, or you're not. I want people to have an awareness of life and what is going to help them on their journey. That's just me.
I don't feel like I've been as direct on this page as I could be, because what if somebody's offended? What if I hurt somebody's feelings? What if they don't like me? But I can't care about that, because I'm actually a pretty direct person.
I need to make sure I watch my words because I don't want to be direct in a hurtful way. I want to be direct in a way that will help you change your life.

I think we could add value to people's lives in the area of parenting, homeschooling, marriage, or finances. My husband's actually incredible, with finances and business.
So why in the world should we stick to the aspect of food, when we could help people in so many different areas? It's not because I know it all. But it's because we believe that "Leaders Are Learners". My husband and I are leaders in lots of different areas. But we are leaders because we learn, we grow, and we plug into other things that we can learn from so that we can teach it to other people.
"Don't underestimate and don't devalue the things that you already know and the things that you can help other people with".
You might feel like you're too young, and people might not listen to you. You didn't have a great upbringing, or you don't have value to add. But we all have things we are assigned to do. It's up to you whether you walk that out, or God gives it to somebody else.
We all have things or people in our lives that we are supposed to inspire, encourage, and help grow. We all have things that we're supposed to do. But we sit back because we're afraid of what other people might think, or we're afraid of frustrating somebody.
When you're on social media, people are watching, and people get this need to tell others what they don't like about them. When they can just actually unfollow.
Be known for what you're for, not for what you're against.
Be a positive person.
Be a person of encouragement
Be a person that others want to be around
Be a person that's going to inspire and encourage others.

Do not be a person that tears other people down and tells them why they shouldn't be doing something. You can correct people in private, you don't have to do it in front of people, on social media, or on different platforms. If you're friends with somebody, and they're doing something that's going to take their life down a wrong direction, don't socialize it with everybody.
You can help and correct people in private, and encourage people in public. That's the same with your kids, you don't have to air out people's dirty laundry, or get mad.
I have a vision for this page to be more intentional about lots of different things because food is important. Food is a tool and a fuel for your body. I can tell you the dos, the don'ts, and the how-tos. I can give you the recipes, and you can also visit ketomomsecrets.com. You can have all of those, and you'll still see food recipes. But moving forward, I'm going to be super intentional about the conversations we're going to have. I'm going to take the concepts of what I'm learning through this leadership book and share them here.
The first part was the vision. Do you have a vision for your life? And if you don't, let's find it, and let's get intentional. Because when you have a vision, you've got clarity, focus, and direction of where you want to go. And in order for you to stay filled and make sure that you are being the best version of yourself, you've got to work on yourself. But not in a selfish way.
Be watchful and careful of how much time you spend on social media.
Do you watch people with an eye to learn from them? Do you watch people with an eye to grow?
or Do you watch people with an eye for comparison and frustration?

If you're watching people on social media, be able to learn and grow from them. Take their insight and put it into action. But if you're watching people with an eye of jealousy & frustration, then you need to unfollow that person. You don't want to live this life of comparison and frustration because it doesn't create action. It actually causes people to sit and do nothing.
So if you're watching people, check your heart and ask yourself why you're watching this person.
Are you going to learn and take action?
Are you in comparison mode?
Are you going to stay stuck and not do anything, because you don't feel worthy or good enough?

I love social media because it allows me to reach people I've never been able to reach before and create friendships, learn from other people and grow. But it also is something that I'm watching my teenagers have to grow up with. I need to constantly monitor with them what's real and what's not, what's fake and what's not.
What is something with value that you can learn from and encourage people, versus what is just ugly? You've got to be able to decide that.
So I guess one of the biggest words in my vision for this page is "Awareness". Intentional awareness of the things that you're doing, the people around you, where you want to go, and then being intentional about it.
The last thing is "Self-care". It's important to take care of yourself, but this whole idea of self-care can be selfish. There's this aspect of self-care that gets in the way of family and important things. Remember, your life isn't just about you. If you've got other people in your life, it's also about them, but they have to have an awareness of when you do things and why you do things.
What do you want?
Do you have a vision?
What is your vision?
What is success?
What does success mean to you?
How do you measure success?

Journaling is super important so that it gets inside you and it also gets out of you. You're going to have more focus, and more clarity, and I hope to give you more direction in all areas of your life.
That's all I have. As always, you can send me a message and I will answer back on anything that you've got questions about. I look forward to chatting with you later. Your presence matters and we'll talk to you very soon. Bye, everybody!
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