Keto Mom here!
As I listened, learned, watched and talked to a lot of you, we have realized that the power of reading in anything in your life, financial, relationships, physical or spiritual, is the power of what's between your ears, "Your mind". It starts with the power of thinking, it starts with "What are you thinking? Because the things that you think, becomes the word that you become, your thoughts become your words, become your actions". And so if you are not thinking of positive things about yourself, about your environment, about your kids, the words that are going to come out of your mouth are probably going to be negative versus positive. Your actions are not going to align with your goals, and therefore you're going to create a spiral of unhealthy decisions.
Points to Ponder:
01:38 Start a Book Club
02:07 Erwin McManus
03:01 What's between your ears
03:23 Power of Thinking
04:08 Take control of your thoughts
06:41 Keto Tip of the Day
07:37 Your action step of the day
08:10 Post it Note
10:36 Take Ownership
11:03 Book club inclusions
11:52 My expectations
13:45 Books to read
14:18 Systems in place
Full Episode Transcript
Good morning, how is everybody doing? Welcome to the Keto Mom page, clearly we're making breakfast. As you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from, we are making eggs and we've got sausage in the air fryer. How was your morning going, where are you tuning in from? I labeled this, "It starts between your ears". So I was listening to a really incredible podcast that talks about the power of ownership, and it goes along the lines of just a lot of things I've been talking about. My husband needs some food, he's about to fall over. He's been working on the tractor, if you've been following our stories, we have been traveling. We have been traveling, now we are back and we are getting back into a routine.

So the question of the day... Number one, are you intermittent fasting this morning, are you eating breakfast, or did you already eat? Most of you are probably at work, we are starting our morning quite late which is fine because we homeschool and we can do that. So did you intermittent fast this morning or did you eat some breakfast? That is the question, also, how are you doing? It is almost the end of the month, the time is going so fast.
So I want to know, "Are you eating breakfast, are you intermittent fasting, and how's your morning going?". Here's something that I want to talk about, two things actually... Number one, we are going to start a book club, "A book club on the Keto Mom page, what in the world is that all about?". So if you have been following us in any way, shape, or form, or on our stories, you know I love to read. My husband and I love to read, we love to learn, we love to grow our mind.
And the more I talk to people, whether you're on here or I talk to people face to face... And I listened to a really great podcast by Erwin McManus, he is a pastor in L.A., he's got a church called mosaic. And he just did an incredible series on mindset, whether your goal is fat loss, most of you are here for fat loss, actually the question I have for you right now is, "Why are you on this page?". What are you hoping to learn, what are your goals, why are you here? Most of you might say "I'm here for fat loss, I'm here to learn how to eat better, or I want to feel better. I want to take back my health and fitness".
As I listened, learned, watched and talked to a lot of you, we have realized that the power of reading in anything in your life, financial, relationships, physical or spiritual, is the power of what's between your ears, "Your mind".
I was listening to an incredible podcast last night and this morning, and Erwin McManus was saying "Anything that you want to do in life, doesn't matter what it is, business, relationships, physical, anything that you want to do starts right here, between your two ears". It starts with the power of thinking, it starts with "What are you thinking? Because the things that you think, becomes the word that you become, your thoughts become your words, become your actions" . And so if you are not thinking of positive things about yourself, about your environment, about your kids, the words that are going to come out of your mouth are probably going to be negative versus positive. Your actions are not going to align with your goals, and therefore you're going to create a spiral of unhealthy decisions.

So the reason that we are doing a book club, which is going to look like this for this next month, is because I want to walk you through, why it's so important to take control of your thoughts, to pay attention to your words, because that is going to determine the actions you take on your health.
One hundred percent, if you are not thinking positively, if you are not looking at yourself in the mirror and going "You've got this, I love you, you can do this", if you are saying the opposite things... You are not going to put down the doughnut, you are not going to go for the walk, you are not going to pick up the book, you are not going to choose the better decisions in that moment, because oftentimes people use this excuse.
Emotions depict or decide what you're going to eat, people eat so much off of emotion, out of habit, how they're feeling and thinking controls the things that they choose to eat, which ultimately controls your health.
I'll give you an example, we were just traveling and I was sitting with a friend, it was a really fast trip. We were in the car more than we were with our other friends in Arkansas, they live right in the boarder of Arkansas, Oklahoma. And we were helping some friends out, and all of a sudden during one of the moments, she just started eating and she's incredible. I looked at her and I said "Hey, are you hungry?", not gonna say if she had some tears rolling down her face, cause she's just shoveling food in her face. And she's like "No, I'm not hungry", so it made her go, "Oh I'm emotional, I don't need to be eating". Throughout the whole trip we both would joke back and forth, and one of us would grab a snack.

So here's your Keto Tip of the Day, because I know some of you are here and you're like "I don't want to hear about reading, I want you to tell me how to eat, I want you to tell me how to track my macros". If you private message me, and you asked me a question about your health and fitness, doesn't matter what it is, I'm gonna answer it.
If you need a foods list, if you don't understand that carbs versus total carbs, whatever your questions are, I'm going to give you that answer. What you do with it is up to you, that means taking the action. That means if you're like "I can do it, I can't do it, I'm going to do it" or you're just going to grab all the wisdom and knowledge and stuff it back here and do nothing. Here's a tip for you today, because more often than not, I bet you if I hung around you during the day and at any point in time, when you go grab some food or a snack, and I ask you "Are you hungry?", you might find yourself saying "I'm actually not".
So here's one tip, that if you decide to take action on it, it'll help you if you don't, then it's okay. I want you to get a post it note, I want you to actually put a visual to it. I want you to write "Am I hungry?, and I want you to put this note on your refrigerator, I want you to put this in your car so that you don't drive to the drive thru when you're emotional.
Any place that you find yourself grabbing snacks, maybe you need to put one at your desk, maybe you need to go put one in your office, or at the employee lounge, help everybody else out... Go put one in the employee lounge by the snacks, "Am I hungry?", or even underneath that you could write "Choose wisely". So there's your one action step of the day, are you going to do it? I would say choose wisely. You want to know how you get further in life? You take the little action steps people teach you and you put action behind it. Do you need a visual? I do, I like to set myself alarms in my phone that say "Drink more water" or whatever I need to do.

And so my encouragement to you, the one action step I'm giving to you is get a post it note, go put it on your fridge, on your desk, on your pantry, on your snack closet, in your office in your car, it'll help I promise. So that is your action step, if you've got questions about food, net carbs, total carbs, how should I eat some good fats send me a message, I'd love to know your goals.
Lastly, and I'm not going to keep you long, because I need to homeschool my children. If you are brand new to the page posts "New" below, we have four daughters and four dogs. And they're wildly crazy, but the reason I am going to do a book club on here, and here's what it's going to look like. We're going to go through a book together, we're going to go through a book in June, that's been one of my ultimate time favorite books, I just haven't had enough time to order it. But I have a handful of these books, it's called "Rain or Shine" by Scott Alexander, and we're going to start with this book because the chapters are only one to two pages.
I realize a lot of you don't read, and my hope is to instill the love of reading that you can understand what it does to your mindset, which ultimately will help you make the best decisions possible in any area of your life. So this is what it's gonna look like, we are technically going to read 1.8 chapter, you're going to read two chapters a day. The chapters are like max two pages long, they're super simple. This is going to be a great book to start with, and we're going to start in May. I don't think we can start May first, because I don't think I can get them to you. That means we're going to have more chapters to read, maybe we'll start May 7, so we've got one weekend to make. You might have to read four chapters, which is eight pages a day. So we're going to go through the book, every day I'm going to come online, I'm going to do a Facebook LIVE. And I'm going to give you an overview of those chapters, maybe an action step on something that you could do for that day.

My goal is to get what's between your ears for you to start thinking positively towards yourself, your situations, to create ownership in your life, ownership.
The message I was listening to today, he said "If you do not take ownership in your life, you're gonna let the world control you". Pastor Erwin McManus wrote this, he said "Without ownership nothing will change in your life".
You can't wish for it, you can't watch me and expect something to change. You have to take ownership and take action, and that is going to require you to getting your mindset right. So here's what we're gonna do, I don't have the price yet, I just want to know who's interested. It is going to be a book, it is going to be a Keto Mom water bottle that says "Drink Ketones", and you get five pack into ketones. You can have all caffeine or all caffeine free, a variety of flavors, it's not going to be a pick or choose. But it's going to look like this, if you've never tried Ketones, you get to try them. If you've already tried them, and you love them, here you go. So it's a water bottle, it's fun, we just made these. So this is what it's going to look like for May, we're going to start May 7.
If you want to know more just post "Book club" below and I will get you the information over the next couple of days. I will mail them out May 1st, we will start May 7th. My hope is is to get your mindset right, I will be talking about it every single day on Facebook. And my expectation is that you read the book, that you put it into action. My expectation is is that you tune into the lives. I know not all of you can watch the live during the live. But my hope is you come back sometime during the day and go I read the chapters, because I'm also going to be giving different rewards. I don't even know if that different prizes. For those of you who check in every single day and say, "Hey I read the book, I'm putting this into action". We'll be doing some fun prizes at the end of the month.

So I will break it down into how many chapters you have to read. Starting on the seventh, I will reach out to you for those of you who are posting book club below. And I just want to help you here (your mind), because more often than not, everything that you do is controlled by your thinking. And it was created by a pattern or created by an environment of your past, but you're gonna have to work on changing it right now.
Some of you are already like, "I got this, I am magnificent", that's not boastful by the way. So if you're going to shout from the rooftops and always look at me, but if you can look at yourself and love yourself, you are going to ultimately reach the goals that you want. Because you have a love for yourself, you want to take care of yourself. We love to read, we'll probably do "Miracle Morning" first, then do "The travelers gift", then do "Atomic habits", that will get you through the summer.
Think about if you can get this (mind) right, creating habits because all of us have goals, I think the phrase goes like this, "You don't rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems" this is in the book atomic habits. If you don't have systems in place to get you to your goals, then you stay down here, and it might just be lack of knowledge, sometimes lack of action.
So I'm excited to help you, if you want to join us for the book club you can always tune in, you don't have to read the book. But I think it's important to read the book, it's more accountable, it's gonna keep you on track. So post "Book club" below, we are going to chat, it's going to have a book, it's going to have a water bottle, some ketones. I'll walk you through how to take all of that, I think I'm going to start doing something called thirsty Thursdays. So your action step is simply this, go write the post it note, go put it somewhere on your refrigerator, in your car, on your microwave, on your pantry and ask yourself this question "Am I hungry?". I told my friends I'm gonna ask you in text messages throughout the day, "Are you hungry, are you eating because you're hungry, are you actually eating because you actually need some food?" So I know it sounds silly, but it's seriously work.
So I hope you have a great day. Let me know if you have any questions and we'll talk to you soon.
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