"Max, the dog, had an electric fence around the yard which kept him inside. It zapped him before, but even if the fence stopped working a year ago, Max was still afraid of getting zapped by the fence. He was still feeling trapped in his yard and would not go outside of the perimeter of the fence. You laugh at this, but is it possible that you may be more like Max than you think?" ~ Craig Groeschel
Good morning! Welcome to the Keto Mom page. My name is Stephanie, and we're going to dive into "Winning The War In Your Mind", by Craig Groeschel. We're just going to go through the book together.
There are incredible questions and things for you to actually do in the book. So if you feel like your mindset is a challenge for you, or it's a constant battle that you need to overcome something. Then this is an incredible book for you to have because of the questions, the actions, and the activities that it will ask you to do.
I want to also know one thing you're thankful for.
A thankful heart will switch your morning.
A thankful heart will help you have a better day.
A thankful heart will help you see things differently.
Gratitude throughout your morning and throughout your day will shift your day.
Gratitude will shift your mindset, your choices, and the way that you feel.

I have this little prayer journal, and every morning for the first month it has declarations and things that you can speak over your life. It has a spot where you can write down the things your grateful for each month. And then it also has prayers where you can pray for people and different things.
I wrote down...
I'm thankful for homeschooling.
I'm thankful for my family.
I'm thankful for the lake view that I have.
I'm thankful for my company.
If at any time you need recipes, keto tips and tricks, or anything to do with keto lifestyle, you can tune in this page, because we have seven years of content. Or you can go to ketomomsecrets.com for recipes, how to get started mindset, or the Book Club and more...
All right! Yesterday, we talked about the power of believing a lie. Even though it's a lie, when you act as if it was truth, then it will affect your life as if it were truth.
I'm going to read a story to you, and then I'll ask you a couple of questions to get you thinking throughout your morning.

There's a large, shaggy, hairy, lumbering dog. Let's call this dog Max. Max will not leave his yard. A car drives by, Max loves chasing cars. The thought of grabbing one of those bumpers and wrestling the beast into submission makes the dog drool. Max wants to chase the car so badly, but he sits in his yard.
Then two boys start playing catch in the street. The ball rolls right to the edge of Max's yard. He desperately wants to go get the ball and run after the boys, but he doesn't. One of them teases the dog, 'What's the matter Max? Are you afraid of the ball?' Max wants to bite the little brat, but his tormentor is outside of the yard, so Max stays in the yard.
A cat walks down the street. Max cannot imagine the nerve of this cat, he knows that they're evil. And he would love to chase the cat. Max wants to attack him, but he can't. He just sits there.
Why is max not chasing the car, the ball, or the cat?
"Max the dog, had an electric fence around the yard which kept him inside. It zapped him before, but even if the fence stopped working a year ago, Max was still afraid of getting zapped by the fence. He was still feeling trapped in his yard and would not go outside of the perimeter of the fence".
"You laugh at this, but is it possible that you may be more like Max than you think?"

Has somebody told you lies at some point in time? Yesterday, we talked about the lies that you're believing that's holding you trapped to where you're at.
What do you want?
What do you want to go after?
Why have you not gotten healthy?
Why can you not stick to a routine?
Why are you physically feeling like that?
Are you trapped behind an invisible fence? And the invisible fence for you would probably be a lie. We also talked about detecting the lies yesterday. Did you think about what you're thinking about?
Pay attention to the lies that you're believing throughout the day.
What causes you to be anxious, or fearful?
What is stoping you from pursuing your better?
What stops you from going after the things that you want?
What I love about this book is that the author gives you things to say like affirmations. Pastor Craig Groeschel said that the Bible talked about your mindset and the things that you think, or who you become. But he also said that it's also scientific as well.

In this chapter, pastor Craig will give you a ton of affirmations, things to think about, and questions you need to ask yourself. You need to identify the problem, ask probing questions, and pinpoint the lie. Once you pinpoint the lie, you have to ask yourself...
Why am I doing this?
When did this start?
How does this make you feel?
Is fear driving this?
If so what am I afraid of?
Are there certain triggers that prompt my behavior?
If you feel that you really need to conquer a fear, and that you need to get over whatever is holding you back. There are tons of questions, declarations, and Bible verses that will help guide you.
When you identify that trigger, that fear, or if something comes up, then you will easily be able to identify the lies, so you need to replace it with something else. This book is incredible, I would highly recommend getting it.
"You need to investigate the patterns of self sabotage. Perhaps you will find yourself saying something like, 'I'm a victim', or 'I've been believing this lie for years, when did this start?', 'Why do I feel like this?'"

For the negatives, you have to figure out why you're believing that, who told you that, and that it's an actual lie and you have to replace it with a truth.
"Here's a lie. I'm a victim, nothing good will ever happen to me".
"Here's a truth. If God is for me, who can be against me"
In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. ~Romans 8:31
"God tells me that I'm not a victim, but a Victor in Christ. I am an overcomer, and I can do all things through Him who gives me strength".
So that's what you need to do. You need to figure out the lie. You need to figure out the truth. And then you need to declare it over yourself so that you're not like "Max" the dog, who is stuck behind a electric fence which was not even on. It was a lie! But still, he wouldn't chase the car, he wouldn't go play with the ball, and he wouldn't go after the cat. The electric fence wasn't even on.

So what is holding you back? What are the lies you're believing? I wish I could tell you what they are, but I can't. Just like how I tell people that they know exactly how to eat healthy.
You know that you should be drinking water.
You know the foods you should be eating.
You know that you should move your body.
You know that you should be getting sleep.
You know the things you need to do to physically get healthy.
There are things you can tweak, and there are things I can help you with. But if you just paid attention and be aware for just a little bit of time. You will know if it's a lie, because deep down in your heart you want to do something different.
But you don't do the things you want to do, because your dad told you that you would never amount to anything. Your sister, coworker, or friend said that you're a loser, or whatever that little lie was planted in your head. I'm pretty sure you play that over and over. So write it down and figure out what the actual truth is. This book is going to empower you to get past that fence.
"This is not something that you do once. This is something that you will have to do thousands of times in your life. Maybe dozens of times every single day. The definition of principle is a decision that you will make once you live by them".

I know the truth, I know the lies that pop into my head, and I still have to fight those daily by reading the word of God.
The first thing I do, although not always, is get up and read my Bible. I learned the truths that are about me, and sometimes I have a bad day. We may have not had a great day in our home yesterday. I think at one point, everybody was crabby. And so you just have to combat that.
Alright! That's all I have for you today. Just be aware of your thoughts and your mindset. Be aware of the things that you are thinking about, so that you can change it, conquer it, and do the things that you're truly called to do. I hope you guys have an incredible day. Thank you for tuning in, your presence matters.
I will talk to you very soon. Bye everybody!
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