Keto Mom here!
It's going to give you a different perspective on life. It's going to help you realize that just because you didn't have a great upbringing, or you didn't have the greatest examples growing up or even into your adulthood, you have to make the decision to move forward with learning and putting all of it into action. No more blaming, shaming or justifying, because you choose your attitude, you choose where you want to go and you're going to choose everything.
Points to Ponder
00:35 One decision doesn't have to affect your entire day
00:45 Your attitude
01:29 I don't feel bad
02:27 About Food
02:57 Reading a book every morning
03:16 Perspectives and the Seven Decisions of Personal Success
04:34 One decision can change the world
05:21 You choose your attitude
Full Episode Transcript
Good morning! Welcome to the Keto Mom page. As you're tuning in, or maybe you're watching the replay. First of all, I want to say that if you have one of those days where it maybe doesn't line up with how you want your morning to go... For those of you who did the "Miracle Morning, or if you like me, get up and do all of your things in the morning, and you feel super productive. But then when you don't, you immediately feel that it can affect your entire day.
Your attitude does not have to decide for your entire day, based on one choice.

If you're just tuning in, we're going to wrap "The Traveler's Gift" by Andy Andrews, today and tomorrow. I'm coming in live super late, because I got up early this morning, I worked out with my husband and we had a great morning. I laid on the couch, usually I message people back, I get a whole bunch of stuff done early in the morning. I have not showered yet, and my mornings are usually quite productive. So lay down on the couch and I fell asleep until 9:15.
But I had incredible dreams, and I actually feel very rested. I don't feel bad, my kids are still sleeping and it's almost 10:30. So we all must have needed some serious sleep.
On any other day I would have said like I slept in or I fell asleep and I don't have all of my morning things done. How often have you not chosen the best lunch, hit the snooze button or whatever the case may be and it affects your attitude towards the rest of the day. So I'm just going to tell you really quick... Your one choice, like if you grabbed the doughnut, you hit the alarm clock, you skipped the workout. Take me for example, I worked out but I just didn't do all the other morning things I wanted to do, which I'm working on right now. So if you make one choice, it does not have to determine the rest of your day. I'll talk about food here because oftentimes people may say they had a breakfast that they accidentally grabbed, that they were on the go, that they were busy or lunch...
And then all of a sudden they would just give up and say I'll just continue to make bad decisions all day. That does not have to be you.

So I hope you're having a great day, we're going to wrap up the "The Traveler's Gift". We've got chapter ten, and I wish I could read you the whole thing. But we're reading a book every single morning, usually around 7:15 or 7:30, depending on how long our workouts go.
So this book I love, because it gives you perspective. For the next few days, since we're wrapping the chapter up, I'm just going to review over their Perspectives and the Seven Decisions of Personal Success.
We'll talk about a lot of things, and I'm going to dive more into giving you some keto tips in the morning, for the rest of July. So we're going to talk more about health in the morning, and we're going to dive into "Winning the War in your Mind" by Craig Groeschel, in August.
Going back to "The Traveler's Gift", our main character David went into the future. He went into the future, and he got to see what could be and what will happen if he makes certain decisions. But ultimately, it's up to him. I'm going to read to you one highlighted spot that I underlined in chapter ten. He says
"There comes a time in every in every person's life when a decision is required. And that decision should you make it, will have a far reaching effect on generations yet unborn. There is a thin thread that weaves only from you to hundreds and thousands of lives. Your example, your actions and yes, even one decision can literally change the world"....
Let me say that one more time, one decision that you make can change the world. I think that was my favorite part of this chapter, and he got to see what could be if he chose right. The whole book is great, it's going to give you a different perspective on life. It's going to help you realize that just because you didn't have a great upbringing, or you didn't have the greatest examples growing up or even into your adulthood, you have to make the decision to move forward with learning and putting all of it into action. No more blaming, shaming or justifying, because you choose your attitude, you choose where you want to go and you're going to choose everything. It's a great book and I hope you're enjoying it. "Winning the War in your Mind" by Craig Groeschel, is the book we're diving into by August.
I'll give you just a little bit of what this book is going to talk about. It is about removing the lies and replacing the truth. It's going to talk about rewiring your brain and renewing your mind. Reframing your mind, restoring your perspective. Reviving your soul and reclaiming your life... So that's what "Winning the War in your Mind" is all about, and we'll start on August first. That's it, I hope you continue to tune into the page for Keto tips, tricks and recipes. I did have a couple people reach out. If you are my customer, if you're drinking ketones, if you've done the reboot, make sure you're in my customer group because we talk a lot about different things over there. So continue to tune in, and watch the stories. If you have any questions about anything, private message me and I will answer you.
I hope you guys have an incredible day and we'll talk to you soon.
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