What is KETO//OS PRO?
KETO//OS PRØ® is a low-carb protein infüzed ketone, packed with MCTs, which help combat the aging process, boost energy, and improve digestion.
These protein infüzed ketones help initiate muscle growth and prevent muscle breakdown –providing high-quality fuel– perfect for advanced post-workout muscle repair and recovery.
Let's talk to our good friend DUSTIN SCHAFFER
STEPHANIE: Okay, Dustin, let's briefly go over some of the other products. We have something called the Keto Pro. What is it and how does it work?
DUSTIN: Okay! So the Keto Pro, I'm not going to get too scientific with it but it's an infused protein. It's got nine patents to it, medium chain fatty acids, ketones, bioidentical ketones, infused with proteins and branched chain amino acids. And the reason why it's formulated this way is to improve stimulation for muscle growth.
The biggest problems with people that are over the age of 40, is they're losing muscle mas. Which causes you to age faster because your metabolism slows down. You want to maintain or gain muscle at all phases of your life even if you're not an athlete.
So I love Keto Pro for that reason. If you're an athlete, it's great for recovery. It's a great repair tissue after you've competed or trained.
DUSTIN: For non athletes or those who are just trying to live their life and want anti aging, I recommend this in the afternoon or an hour before you go to bed.
You can mix it in water with low-carb coconut milk or almond milk, shake it up, make it into a smoothie and drink it. It's really an amazing product and something I'm very passionate about. More people should have this product, especially after the age of 40 because it helps with muscle preservation and the muscle growth. I'm a huge fan!
STEPHANIE: I love it! I drink it after every workout. So I think it's incredible and it's really a great product.
You can grab your KETO//OS PRØ here: Ketomom.shopketo.com
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